Source code for aymara_ai.core.score_runs

import asyncio
import time
from typing import Coroutine, List, Optional, Union

from aymara_ai.core.protocols import AymaraAIProtocol
from aymara_ai.core.uploads import UploadMixin
from aymara_ai.generated.aymara_api_client import models
from aymara_ai.generated.aymara_api_client.api.score_runs import (
from aymara_ai.generated.aymara_api_client.api.tests import get_test
from aymara_ai.generated.aymara_api_client.models.test_type import TestType
from aymara_ai.types import (
from aymara_ai.utils.constants import (

[docs] class ScoreRunMixin(UploadMixin, AymaraAIProtocol): """ Mixin class that provides score run functionality. Inherits from UploadMixin to get image upload capabilities. """ # Score Test Methods
[docs] def score_test( self, test_uuid: str, student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput], scoring_examples: Optional[List[ScoringExample]] = None, max_wait_time_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ScoreRunResponse: return self._score_test( test_uuid=test_uuid, student_answers=student_answers, is_async=False, max_wait_time_secs=max_wait_time_secs, scoring_examples=scoring_examples, )
score_test.__doc__ = f""" Score a test synchronously. :param test_uuid: UUID of the test. :type test_uuid: str :param student_answers: List of StudentAnswerInput objects containing student responses. :type student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput] :param scoring_examples: Optional list of examples to guide the scoring process. :type scoring_examples: Optional[List[ScoringExample]] :param max_wait_time_secs: Maximum wait time for test scoring, defaults to {DEFAULT_SAFETY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS}, {DEFAULT_JAILBREAK_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS}, and {DEFAULT_ACCURACY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS} seconds for safety, jailbreak, and accuracy tests, respectively. :type max_wait_time_secs: int, optional :return: Score response. :rtype: ScoreRunResponse """
[docs] async def score_test_async( self, test_uuid: str, student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput], scoring_examples: Optional[List[ScoringExample]] = None, max_wait_time_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ScoreRunResponse: return await self._score_test( test_uuid=test_uuid, student_answers=student_answers, is_async=True, max_wait_time_secs=max_wait_time_secs, scoring_examples=scoring_examples, )
score_test_async.__doc__ = f""" Score a test asynchronously. :param test_uuid: UUID of the test. :type test_uuid: str :param student_answers: List of StudentAnswerInput objects containing student responses. :type student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput] :param scoring_examples: Optional list of examples to guide the scoring process. :type scoring_examples: Optional[List[ScoringExample]] :param max_wait_time_secs: Maximum wait time for test scoring, defaults to {DEFAULT_SAFETY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS}, {DEFAULT_JAILBREAK_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS}, and {DEFAULT_ACCURACY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS} seconds for safety, jailbreak, and accuracy tests, respectively. :type max_wait_time_secs: optional, int :return: Score response. :rtype: ScoreRunResponse """ def _score_test( self, test_uuid: str, student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput], is_async: bool, max_wait_time_secs: Optional[int] = None, scoring_examples: Optional[List[ScoringExample]] = None, ) -> Union[ScoreRunResponse, Coroutine[ScoreRunResponse, None, None]]: self._validate_student_answers(student_answers) if scoring_examples is not None: self._validate_scoring_examples(scoring_examples) score_data = models.ScoreRunInSchema( test_uuid=test_uuid, answers=[ StudentAnswerInput.to_answer_in_schema(student_answer) for student_answer in student_answers ], examples=[ example.to_scoring_example_in_schema() for example in scoring_examples ] if scoring_examples else None, ) if is_async: return self._create_and_wait_for_score_impl_async( score_data, max_wait_time_secs ) else: return self._create_and_wait_for_score_impl_sync( score_data, max_wait_time_secs ) # Get Score Run Methods
[docs] def get_score_run(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> ScoreRunResponse: """ Get the current status of a score run synchronously, and answers if it is completed. :param score_run_uuid: UUID of the score run. :type score_run_uuid: str :return: Score run response. :rtype: ScoreRunResponse """ return self._get_score_run(score_run_uuid, is_async=False)
[docs] async def get_score_run_async(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> ScoreRunResponse: """ Get the current status of a score run asynchronously, and answers if it is completed. :param score_run_uuid: UUID of the score run. :type score_run_uuid: str :return: Score run response. :rtype: ScoreRunResponse """ return await self._get_score_run(score_run_uuid, is_async=True)
def _get_score_run( self, score_run_uuid: str, is_async: bool ) -> Union[ScoreRunResponse, Coroutine[ScoreRunResponse, None, None]]: if is_async: return self._get_score_run_async_impl(score_run_uuid) else: return self._get_score_run_sync_impl(score_run_uuid) def _get_score_run_sync_impl(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> ScoreRunResponse: response = get_score_run.sync_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") score_response = response.parsed answers = None if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FINISHED: answers = self._get_all_score_run_answers_sync(score_run_uuid) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, answers ) async def _get_score_run_async_impl(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> ScoreRunResponse: response = await get_score_run.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") score_response = response.parsed answers = None if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FINISHED: answers = await self._get_all_score_run_answers_async(score_run_uuid) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, answers ) # List Score Runs Methods
[docs] def list_score_runs(self, test_uuid: Optional[str] = None) -> ListScoreRunResponse: """ List all score runs synchronously. :param test_uuid: UUID of the test. :type test_uuid: Optional[str] :return: List of score run responses. :rtype: ListScoreRunResponse """ score_runs = self._list_score_runs(is_async=False, test_uuid=test_uuid) return ListScoreRunResponse(score_runs)
[docs] async def list_score_runs_async( self, test_uuid: Optional[str] = None ) -> ListScoreRunResponse: """ List all score runs asynchronously. :param test_uuid: UUID of the test. :type test_uuid: Optional[str] :return: List of score run responses. :rtype: ListScoreRunResponse """ score_runs = await self._list_score_runs(is_async=True, test_uuid=test_uuid) return ListScoreRunResponse(score_runs)
def _list_score_runs( self, is_async: bool, test_uuid: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[List[ScoreRunResponse], Coroutine[List[ScoreRunResponse], None, None]]: if is_async: return self._list_score_runs_async_impl(test_uuid) else: return self._list_score_runs_sync_impl(test_uuid) def _list_score_runs_sync_impl( self, test_uuid: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[ScoreRunResponse]: all_score_runs = [] offset = 0 while True: response = list_score_runs.sync_detailed( client=self.client, test_uuid=test_uuid, offset=offset ) paged_response = response.parsed all_score_runs.extend(paged_response.items) if len(all_score_runs) >= paged_response.count: break offset += len(paged_response.items) return [ ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_run, ) for score_run in all_score_runs ] async def _list_score_runs_async_impl( self, test_uuid: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[ScoreRunResponse]: all_score_runs: List[ScoreRunResponse] = [] offset = 0 while True: response = await list_score_runs.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, test_uuid=test_uuid, offset=offset ) paged_response = response.parsed all_score_runs.extend(paged_response.items) if len(all_score_runs) >= paged_response.count: break offset += len(paged_response.items) return [ ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_run, ) for score_run in all_score_runs ] # Helper Methods def _create_and_wait_for_score_impl_sync( self, score_data: models.ScoreRunInSchema, max_wait_time_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ScoreRunResponse: start_time = time.time() test = get_test.sync_detailed( client=self.client, test_uuid=score_data.test_uuid ) if max_wait_time_secs is None: if ( test.parsed.test_type == TestType.SAFETY or test.parsed.test_type == TestType.IMAGE_SAFETY ): max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_SAFETY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS elif test.parsed.test_type == TestType.JAILBREAK: max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_JAILBREAK_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS elif test.parsed.test_type == TestType.ACCURACY: max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_ACCURACY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS # Create progress bar once at the start with self.logger.progress_bar( test.parsed.test_name, "pending", # Will be updated with real UUID after creation Status.UPLOADING if any(a.answer_image_path for a in score_data.answers) else Status.PENDING, upload_total=len([a for a in score_data.answers if a.answer_image_path]), ) as pbar: if test.parsed.test_type == TestType.IMAGE_SAFETY: uploaded_keys = self.upload_images( score_data.test_uuid, score_data.answers, progress_callback=lambda n: pbar.update_upload_progress(n), ) for answer in score_data.answers: if ( answer.answer_image_path and answer.question_uuid in uploaded_keys ): answer.answer_image_path = uploaded_keys[answer.question_uuid] response = create_score_run.sync_detailed( client=self.client, body=score_data ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError("Failed to create score run") elif response.status_code == 422: message = response.parsed.detail raise ValueError(message) score_response = response.parsed score_run_uuid = response.parsed.score_run_uuid pbar.update_uuid(score_run_uuid) remaining_score_runs = score_response.remaining_score_runs if remaining_score_runs is not None: score_run_plural = ( "score run" if remaining_score_runs == 1 else "score runs" ) self.logger.warning( f"You have {remaining_score_runs} {score_run_plural} remaining. To upgrade, visit" ) # Continue with polling loop while True: response = get_score_run.sync_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") score_response = response.parsed self.logger.update_progress_bar( score_run_uuid, Status.from_api_status(score_response.score_run_status), ) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time > max_wait_time_secs: score_response.score_run_status = models.ScoreRunStatus.FAILED self.logger.update_progress_bar(score_run_uuid, Status.FAILED) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, None, "Score run creation timed out." ) if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FAILED: return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, None, "Internal server error. Please try again." ) if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FINISHED: answers = self._get_all_score_run_answers_sync(score_run_uuid) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, answers ) time.sleep(POLLING_INTERVAL) async def _create_and_wait_for_score_impl_async( self, score_data: models.ScoreRunInSchema, max_wait_time_secs: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ScoreRunResponse: start_time = time.time() # Generate a unique temporary UUID for the progress bar temp_uuid = f"pending_{id(score_data)}" # Use object id to make unique # Get test info first test = await get_test.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, test_uuid=score_data.test_uuid ) if max_wait_time_secs is None: if ( test.parsed.test_type == TestType.SAFETY or test.parsed.test_type == TestType.IMAGE_SAFETY ): max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_SAFETY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS elif test.parsed.test_type == TestType.JAILBREAK: max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_JAILBREAK_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS elif test.parsed.test_type == TestType.ACCURACY: max_wait_time_secs = DEFAULT_ACCURACY_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SECS # Create progress bar once at the start with self.logger.progress_bar( test.parsed.test_name, temp_uuid, # Will be updated with real UUID after creation Status.UPLOADING if any(a.answer_image_path for a in score_data.answers) else Status.PENDING, upload_total=len([a for a in score_data.answers if a.answer_image_path]), ) as pbar: if test.parsed.test_type == TestType.IMAGE_SAFETY: uploaded_keys = await self.upload_images_async( score_data.test_uuid, score_data.answers, progress_callback=lambda n: pbar.update_upload_progress(n), ) for answer in score_data.answers: if ( answer.answer_image_path and answer.question_uuid in uploaded_keys ): answer.answer_image_path = uploaded_keys[answer.question_uuid] response = await create_score_run.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, body=score_data ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError("Failed to create score run") elif response.status_code == 422: message = response.parsed.detail raise ValueError(message) score_response = response.parsed score_run_uuid = response.parsed.score_run_uuid pbar.update_uuid(score_run_uuid) remaining_score_runs = score_response.remaining_score_runs if remaining_score_runs is not None: score_run_plural = ( "score run" if remaining_score_runs == 1 else "score runs" ) self.logger.warning( f"You have {remaining_score_runs} {score_run_plural} remaining. To upgrade, visit" ) # Continue with polling loop while True: response = await get_score_run.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") score_response = response.parsed self.logger.update_progress_bar( score_run_uuid, Status.from_api_status(score_response.score_run_status), ) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time > max_wait_time_secs: score_response.score_run_status = models.ScoreRunStatus.FAILED self.logger.update_progress_bar(score_run_uuid, Status.FAILED) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, None, "Score run creation timed out." ) if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FAILED: return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, None, "Internal server error. Please try again." ) if score_response.score_run_status == models.ScoreRunStatus.FINISHED: answers = await self._get_all_score_run_answers_async( score_run_uuid ) return ScoreRunResponse.from_score_run_out_schema_and_answers( score_response, answers ) await asyncio.sleep(POLLING_INTERVAL) def _get_all_score_run_answers_sync( self, score_run_uuid: str ) -> List[models.AnswerOutSchema]: answers = [] offset = 0 while True: response = get_score_run_answers.sync_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid, offset=offset ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") paged_response = response.parsed answers.extend(paged_response.items) if len(answers) >= paged_response.count: break offset += len(paged_response.items) return answers async def _get_all_score_run_answers_async( self, score_run_uuid: str ) -> List[models.AnswerOutSchema]: answers = [] offset = 0 while True: response = await get_score_run_answers.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid, offset=offset ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") paged_response = response.parsed answers.extend(paged_response.items) if len(answers) >= paged_response.count: break offset += len(paged_response.items) return answers def _validate_student_answers(self, student_answers: List[StudentAnswerInput]): if not student_answers: raise ValueError("Student answers cannot be empty.") if not all( isinstance(answer, StudentAnswerInput) for answer in student_answers ): non_student_answers = [ answer for answer in student_answers if not isinstance(answer, StudentAnswerInput) ] self.logger.error(f"Invalid answers: {non_student_answers}") raise ValueError("All items in student answers must be StudentAnswerInput.") def _validate_scoring_examples(self, scoring_examples: List[ScoringExample]): if len(scoring_examples) > MAX_EXAMPLES_LENGTH: raise ValueError( f"Scoring examples must be less than {MAX_EXAMPLES_LENGTH}." ) if not all(isinstance(example, ScoringExample) for example in scoring_examples): non_scoring_examples = [ example for example in scoring_examples if not isinstance(example, ScoringExample) ] self.logger.error(f"Invalid examples: {non_scoring_examples}") raise ValueError("All items in scoring examples must be ScoringExample.")
[docs] def delete_score_run(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> None: """ Delete a score run synchronously. :param score_run_uuid: UUID of the score run. :type score_run_uuid: str """ response = delete_score_run.sync_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") if response.status_code == 422: raise ValueError(f"{response.parsed.detail}")
[docs] async def delete_score_run_async(self, score_run_uuid: str) -> None: """ Delete a score run asynchronously. :param score_run_uuid: UUID of the score run. :type score_run_uuid: str """ response = await delete_score_run.asyncio_detailed( client=self.client, score_run_uuid=score_run_uuid ) if response.status_code == 404: raise ValueError(f"Score run with UUID {score_run_uuid} not found") if response.status_code == 422: raise ValueError(f"{response.parsed.detail}")